Sunday, February 28, 2010

six weeks

dear sadie,
you have been alive out of mommy's tummy for six whole weeks now! you are becoming so observant and love to stare at the ceiling fan and lights (when you're not staring at yourself!) you have started to "talk" and smile when you wake up from your afternoon nap. after much planning on my part for a bedtime routine, you have thrown that out the window and decided that you will go to sleep between 6:30 and 7pm and sleep until 7-8 am! praise God! if daddy or i can't get you to go to sleep, all we have to do is sit in the living room leather chair and turn the tv on and you are asleep in no time.

you love snuggles. you don't like having a wet diaper. you make an "O" with your mouth when you are going poopy. you weigh over 10 pounds now and love to eat. before you go to bed at night, you alternate between wanting your binky and spitting it out. you do this about 15 times before you go to sleep. you like getting a massage with your lavendar calming lotion (you are definitely my daughter!) you love bathtime and being clean! and you love for mommy to wrap you up in your bath towel and snuggle for a few minutes before getting dressed.

you rarely cry. you are a loud and active sleeper! daddy and i are so blessed to have you as our baby girl and we cannot imagine life without you now. you have the sweetest disposition i have ever seen and are so mellow. we love you!

here are sadie and i before the meeting today
tonight we had the youngs and mom and les over for fajitas and margaritas and chocolate dipped strawberries. sadie was already in bed when we took the picture. we had so much fun!


  1. oh my goodness. she has changed so much and looks so different--i almost cried! i have to have both of those pictures. i can't wait to see her in a couple weeks. you look so pretty too!

  2. We had such a fun evening....lots of laughs and wonderful food. Thanks! I loved holding Sadie and taking care of her tonight. She is so precious!

  3. Our baby is changing!!! So everything about her! Thanks for the evening--we had fun! You 3 looked so nice at the meeting.

  4. Love those turq. heels! Didn't you both look adorable :)
