Monday, November 16, 2009


(our neighborhood lake...random pic but thought it was pretty)
the top 5 things i learned at childbirth classes:
#5...the women who have decided to share their birth on videos for birthing classes need to put a little bronzer and lip gloss on before agreeing to be video'd every childbirth class, there is one pregnant woman who thinks she is the ONLY pregnant person in the universe and thus constantly asks personal questions pertaining to HER pregnancy and birth plan, i guess assuming the rest of us are just there for the snacks
#3...forceps are gigantic
#2...the tennis balls and picturing myself at the beach are only gonna get me so far...i so need the drugs
and the #1 thing i learned at childbirth classes...
I CAN DO THIS-despite being uncomfortable or in pain, i will have a precious little bundle of goodness at the end!


  1. that was the funniest post i've ever read! the bronzer and lip gloss are priceless. i will remind you of that as i'm taking pictures of you in a few short weeks!!

  2. Ha, ha! I love your list! Aren't childbirthing classes the best? Now do you see why my hubs and I got in trouble for laughing! :) Honey, it won't be bad...and it's all worth it! Oh...waterproof mascara AND eyeliner too! You don't want Sadie to think you are a raccoon! Ha! :)

  3. Take it from someone who NEVER leaves home without full makeup and has looked like a raccoon more than once in her will be the LAST thing on your mind! :) My epidural didn't take and I felt everything! I would still do it all again 100 times over! Like Lauren said it's all worth it!

  4. Too cute! Yes you CAN do it and will have a beautiful, healthy little girl to show for it. You won't remember the pain when you are holding Sadie in your arms! But yes an epidural is a must in my book! =)

  5. How funny you are! It will be interesting to see how many things you remember during delivery!

    Yes, You Can Do It!!! You just have to remember the pain is temporary and you will have a beautiful little Sadie to love forever!!!
