Wednesday, March 24, 2010

burning the fat off

yesterday i went to the gym to start losing the rest of the baby weight and toning my body! i lost 20 of my 28 pounds gained like 3 days after i had sadie, but sadly the last 8 pounds have not come off and now i have gained a couple more. boo! (it doesn't help that i eat every time she eats during the night and sometimes i eat even when she doesn't wake up-she's doing better than me for her night feedings ;)
i met mike there and we worked our biceps and triceps with machines and free weights, then we did ab work, then the stationary bike for cardio. i am feeling it today!
after the gym, i was hungry of course so i went to chick fil a and thought about getting the grilled chicken sandwich for about 2 seconds before i placed my order for the original chicken sandwich (the fried one), BUT i did get a huge water instead of a sprite. baby steps.

see here i am about to order my sandwich. so happy!
then i tanned at tanfastic, but i was parked right in front of the store and thought they might think i was strange for taking a pic of their store, so i didn't.

and this is what i got to see when i got home...

happy wednesday everybody!


  1. Good for you girl! Baby steps is right! As for the tanning, I love it! Being tan makes me feel better about myself. You look great!

  2. good job! i can't wait until chris and i start the p90x. i need to start walking though even now (if it would stop raining!)
    sadie looks so cute! look how light her eyebrows and the hair on her forehead are!
