did you have a great weekend? we did! 3 day weekends feel so much longer and relaxed to me than regular weekends!
here's sadie (with slightly sleepy eyes) saying "hi"
i thought i would share a few of the cute things she's saying right now...
"put it back"-like when she's done with her milk and wants me to put it in the diaper bag
"mike dada"-she knows his name
"mama move"-if i'm in her way! we're working on saying please!
"yano"-for piano
"abc" and "one....two....threeeeeee"
"strawberry cake"-i've been making a few too many cupcakes lately ;)
"pick a bean"-she goes outside with daddy to check the garden every night and he usually lets her pick a green bean
"too much"-if i put food in her mouth that she doesn't want, then she spits it out
"ticka ticka"-she loves tickling
she makes us laugh all the time and is so much fun!

back to our weekend...saturday night we went to an event here called the Rockin' Heart Ranch which is a dinner/ dance and fundraiser for the American Heart Association. the food was so yummy. we had pork tenderloin, twice baked mashed potatoes, spicy green beans, rolls, and banana pudding. what a southern meal, huh?!
i think people have the misconception that if you live in texas, you wear boots and ride horses all the time, but we don't! i usually pull out my boots twice a year...if we go to the fair & rodeo and for this night. since it IS called rockin' heart ranch, i figure i should dress country. i made mike wear his boots too! he is SO from cali-he would prefer to wear cargos and flip flops all the time :)
here are our two attempts at self-timed pictures!

we were laughing about how old we are, because by 9:15, i had heard all of the bellamy brothers i cared to hear, and was so ready to come home and put on my pajamas!
then sunday, mike's sister and bro-in-law came to visit! we had grilled grouper and redfish for dinner, with french fries and mixed veggies...yum. then i made cupcakes for dessert. they hadn't seen sadie since she was 9 months old so they were blown away at how active and talkative she is! they brought her a sweet little outfit and a puppy toy that you pull on a string...she loves it!
now we've got a busy week ahead of us...
happy tuesday!